News School project

Finals and graduation week

Class of 2014

All these awesome people, they are the best part of my school experience. The photos turned out great! I love them all. The black and white setting in my camera was something I wanted to try but I had not gotten a chance to really capture something important, and graduation was the best opportunity I have had so far. Black and white photography just adds this layer of communication that enhances the subtle signs, a layer that color photography does not always have. Either this is because, the elegance of the monotone or the way in which the excessive color-punches seem to be iron out of the image. A black and white photo just highlights the moment’s atmosphere.

From left to right. Carissa Sudjono, Gina Barton, Raksa Yin, Raz Khashoggi.
Corcoran College of Art + Design, Class of 2014.
From left to right. Peter, Emily Bennett Price, Ryan Mahoney, Renata Salazar-Costa.

My last week of school finally happened, I went through my last “week-of-finals” and I could not completely grasp the idea that I was writing towards my last paper, designing towards my last school project, and staying up late for my last  school-related all nighter. I could not quiet believe it. was a strange feeling. It was definitely exciting. However, at the same time it was sort of nostalgic.

That week of graduation, I had too many trivial things to do that all combined made it just as tedious as another week of heavy load of assignments. I had to go to the rehearsal, pick up my cap and gown, prepare the work to show for final-reviews, put all semester’s work in a DVD,  make sure to have something to say for final critique,  attend the pizza party at Comet Pin Pong; that one was actually fun, being at the last classes just fill out the teacher evaluation forms, finish a ten pages paper for a humanities class; other than that no assignments due. Yet, the hardest part of the week was to start getting acquainted with the idea that every goodbye I say to my friends was the last one I’ll give them at the school, every walk I take in the school’s hallways was the last one I’ll take, and that last assignment I just finished was too the last one I will complete for school.

While aware that I would see everyone again in graduation, that last time at school was different. I know it is not unheard-of, but, I will miss to see all of my friends in the same building, to stop for a quick lunch-grab and talk about what is going on with them. I feel that I could do that with anybody in that building, and that is what will make the memories of these past years meaningful. The quality of people I got to meet in this school, they are close friends more than classmates. I will miss them.

By peterveras

My name is Peter, I started to blog in my senior year of college. I enjoy writing and documenting things worth remembering.
My nombre es Peter, comencé este blog cuando estaba en mi último año de la universidad. Lo hice porque disfruto escribir y documentar las cosas que vale la pena recordar.

3 replies on “Finals and graduation week”

PETER!!! I WILL MISS YOU!!! (even though you’re probably staying in the area but still) We seriously need to keep in touch….I know I suck at keeping in touch with people but I’m going to try this time with you and other people. Because you guys are the best! I hope everything turns out great for you in the future and maybe someday we’ll cross paths in our career (We should do that design studio place you, Raksa, Martin and I talked about during web class). AND WE SHALL CELEBRATE A-PLENTY-OF-TIMES DURING THE SUMMER WITH PEEPSS!!


We ought to! stay in touch, by the way, I know Anh is in the area too; at least for a while, and yesterday I was with Raksa at that event and he was like “yeah after June I’m free.” So, we definitely should have some summer-time fun.


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